How to effectively navigate Notes calendar scheduling with the JAWS screen reader.
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Following is a suggested way of using the Notes calendar scheduling with JAWS®. Testing has shown that when using JAWS® screen reader software with Notes 8.5.x, the Notes calendar scheduling tool may suggest meeting times where only 40 to 75 percent of meeting attendees are available. Use the information in this article to better find a time that works for your meetings when using the Scheduler.
The Scheduler tool
1. Open a new meeting notice and type the desired meeting invitees in the "Required" and "Optional" fields.
2. Use the "Find available times" tab, which includes the Scheduler tool that is sometimes difficult to find and use.
- To use the Scheduler tool, tab to the "Description" tab.
- Press the right arrow once (do not press "Ctrl+Tab"); this is the "Find available times" tab.
- Press Tab once to move to the Summary/Details radio button. Select Summary.
- Press Tab to get to the "Refresh" option.
- Press Tab to get to the "Scheduler Object", and press Space to open (Esc to close).
3. In the Scheduler tool, select the "All of attendees" option, and then use the people list to filter down until you get a good match.
- The invitees list box is at the front of the reading order for the Scheduler. Use the Up and Down arrows to hear which attendeed are "checked" and included in the 100% match.
- Tab once to select the number of days to look forward; the suggestion is to select 30 days. The reason is that the results are only read if there are any actual results, and this increases the chance you will get any results.
- Tab once to select how many people you are matching and set this to "Check if all required can attend". Remember, "all" in this case is only those people you have checked in the invitee list. The invitee list retains everyone from the original "Required" and "Optional" lists, but only checks schedules for the people that are checked.
- Tab once more to the list box of found times (it says something like "List box date and time 1 of 15"). Use the Up and Down arrows to hear potential meeting times. When you hear one you like, press Tab to get to the "Use Selected Time" button. If you don't find a good time, go to step 4.
- Press the "Use Selected Time" button.
- Leave the Scheduler by pressing "Esc".
- You will still be on the Scheduler object, so press "Ctrl+Tab" a few times to get back to the main meeting invitation dialog.
4. If no good meeting time is found, the best way to deal with this is to remove people from the scheduler invitee list until a match is found. Again, the invitee list just indicates whose schedule is being matched. In the end, the meeting invitation will go out to everyone in the "Required" and "Optional" fields.
- Wherever you are in the Scheduler object, tab forward or backward until you hear "List Box All People Checked 1 of 15"; this is the invitee list (the tab order of the scheduler object is circular until you press "Escape").
- Use the Up and Down arrows to listen to the invitee list, and use the Space bar to uncheck those people that are not absolutely required. The checks should only be on those people who absolutely must attend.
- Tab forward three times to the potential times list, and review the new times available. The tool updates everytime you uncheck or check a name, so you don't need to manually refresh.
- Find the time that works best. Tab to the "Use Selected Time" option, press it, and leave the tool.
The calendar widget
There is a calendar widget in the tab order of the Scheduler object after the "Use Selected Time" button and before the circle back to the invitee list. But it just speaks as a date button, for example, "December 9, 2009 button. To activate press Space bar". It really is not useful unless you need a specific date, and it doesn't announce as a control, just a button. So, if you hear a date button and you weren't expecting it, it means there was no match, and the "Use selected Time" button was grayed out, so it was skipped in the tab order.
Navigating the calendar widget is done with arrow keys; Right and Left arrows to advance or retreat days, and Up and Down arrows to advance or retreat weeks (for example, every Tuesday).
If you want to look around at specific days, it might be useful in some cases to use the calendar object. Do it this way:
- In the calendar widget, use the arrow keys to navigate to a new day.
- Press "Ctrl+Tab". IF a day has available times, the "Use Selected Time" button will be active. Press "Ctrl+Tab" again to select your day.
- If there is not an available time on that day, you will end up on the "Check if all required can attend" button. Press Tab to go back to the calendar widget and pick a new day.
- Repeat until you find a match.
One more note: If you "Ctrl+Tab" and leave the Notes window for some reason, then come back to it, you automatically leave the scheduler object. It has already been closed, but that may not be obvious when you "Ctrl+Tab" back to the window. You must reopen the scheduler object. Do so by finding "Refresh Schedule Information button" then tab and press Space to re-open. |